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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

Phoenix Community Gardens

Limited access ground investigation

Phoenix Community Gardens
Phoenix Community Gardens
Phoenix Community Gardens

The east side of Stacey Street, Covent Garden was bombed in the Second World War. After being used as a car park, negotiations began in 1981 to convert the land into a community garden. It is managed by residents of the surrounding flats, working as volunteers.

The Phoenix Garden Community Building is the first purpose-built new community centre to be built in central London for generations and replaced an area formerly occupied by storage sheds and concrete hardstanding.

GEA carried out a ground investigation using limited access equipment, to provide information to assist in the design of the new building. We advised on the design of the new foundations and our advice took into account the scale of the building and the ground conditions, which reflected the long historical development of the site.

Phoenix Community Gardens


Sian Architecture + Design


Carter Clack


The Phoenix Garden Trust


Covent Garden, London WC2



GEA Engineer

Desk Study

Juliet Fuller
Associate Director

GEA services

Ground investigation

Interpretive reporting

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