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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

Marmalade Lane

Ground investigation for award-winning housing scheme

30 Grosvenor Square
30 Grosvenor Square
30 Grosvenor Square

We are delighted to have been involved in this award-winning scheme. GEA carried out a ground investigation comprising a combination of investigation techniques to assist in the design of suitable foundations, paving and drainage, for this impressive housing scheme which contains subtle and sophisticated outdoor space and design for shared living.

The site is underlain by River Terrace deposits over Glacial deposits which are in turn underlain by the Gault Formation and a former drainage channel crosses the site. A trial trench was excavated to investigate the make-up of the former drainage channel and a series of boreholes was sunk to investigate the depth and condition of the River Terrace deposits and Glacial deposits which overlie the highly shrinkable Gault formation. Equivalent CBR testing was carried out along with particle size distribution analysis to provide parameters for pavement design and soakage testing and groundwater monitoring was undertaken to provide information for drainage design.

Marmalade Lane was awarded the prestigious Richard Feilden Award at the 2019 Housing Design Awards as well as both RIBA East and National 2019 Awards.

30 Grosvenor Square
30 Grosvenor Square
30 Grosvenor Square


Mole Architects

Structural Engineers

Elliott Wood Partnership


Trivselhus & Town





GEA Engineer

Desk Study

Bryan O’Gorman
Senior Geoenvironmental Engineer

GEA services

Ground Investigation

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