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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

Lambeth Palace

Ground investigation in historic location

Lambeth Palace
Lambeth Palace
Lambeth Palace

GEA completed an investigation for the development of a new ten-storey partly public accessible archive building located in the rear gardens of Lambeth Palace.

The new building has been designed to reflect the historic nature of the site and complement the existing architecture. It will house books, manuscripts & documents dating beyond 1000 years of ecclesiastical and cultural life of the Church of Great Britain.

The investigation confirmed the expected ground conditions in that the site was underlain by a moderate thickness of made ground, below which Kempton Park Gravel was encountered and underlain by the London Clay to the full depth of the investigation.

Given the historic nature of the site it was essential that the site investigation was carried out discreetly, in a timely manner and did not affect the day to day routine of the Palace.

Lambeth Palace
Lambeth Palace
Lambeth Palace
Lambeth Palace
Lambeth Palace


Wright & Wright Architects


Price & Myers


Lambeth Palace


London SE1



GEA Engineer


Steve Branch
Managing Director

GEA services

Desk study

Geotechnical and contaminated land investigations

Interpretive reporting

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