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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

We are Geotechnical and Environmental Associates (GEA)

A well-established and independent specialist providing a high-quality ground investigation and geotechnical and geoenvironmental consultancy service to the property and construction industries.

About Us


Job Vacancy | Senior / Principal Geotechnical Engineer


We are seeking a senior or principal geotechnical engineer to assist in the continued growth of the company.

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My Work Experience at GEA


During my time at GEA, I have learned new skills and created a deeper understanding of the engineering side of geology, which I have learned in class. During my week I have got to comprehend what happens in a geotechnical engineer's job from the preliminary reports to the site and lab work. I have enjoyed it all as I want to get into something geology-based for a career and it helps me better understand the engineering geology topics in my A-Level.

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