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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

New Guidance on Classification of Waste Soil from Construction

January 23, 2023
by Mike Plimmer

In 2019, the Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) published formal guidance on the classification of waste soils as either hazardous or non-hazardous. The aim of this was to provide simple and clear advice on best practice - at least when it comes to more straightforward sites - in an area that has often involved confusion.

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It was 20 years ago today…

January 13, 2023
by Steve Branch

…on 3rd January, 2003, fresh-faced and suitably dressed, that I started GEA. Twenty years later, I've lost my tie, kept most of my hair, if not its colour, and had a great time with some wonderful colleagues.

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Our survey said: evolving to meet your needs

December 6, 2022
by Steve Branch

In order to improve the way we operate, we need to fully understand how our clients feel about the service we provide.

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Transitioning into the industry from university - as tough as you think?

November 11, 2022
by Harry Hooper

How did I get into the ground engineering industry? I was originally planning a career in an entirely different field of work, and engineering geology/geotechnical engineering isn't particularly a well-known career. It is one that I didn't even know existed! However, after having a conversation with a neighbour, who explained the career that they had as a civil engineer turned geotechnical engineer, describing the roles they had in projects in the UK and around the world! I was inspired to see how I could get into this profession. I recall having a phone call with Nick Koor (course lead for BEng Engineering Geology and Geotechnics) from the University of Portsmouth, and after a long discussion about the degree and its career prospects, Nick offered me a place which I accepted straight away!

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