The proposed development for this site comprised the demolition of the existing buildings and the subsequent construction of a 36-storey residential tower, standing at around 120 m high, with two commercial podium buildings of between five storeys and eight storeys.
In mid-2104 Wildgoose Construction asked GEA to review the findings of three previous phases of investigation at a site in Runcorn adjacent to the Bridgewater Canal, where significant contaminated land issues had been identified.
The biggest problem with groundwater, particularly in the sort of mixed soils that characterise much of the southern half of the UK, is how difficult it is to determine where it is in the ground. This, of course is not really what the client wants to hear.
“Waste” is defined in Article 1(a) of the European Waste Framework Directive (WFD) as ‘any substance or object … which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard’.