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Ground investigation
Geotechnical consultancy
Contaminated land assessment

Job Vacancy | Senior / Principal Geotechnical Engineer

September 2, 2024
by GEA

We are seeking a senior or principal geotechnical engineer to assist in the continued growth of the company.

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My Work Experience at GEA

August 9, 2024
by Cameron

During my time at GEA, I have learned new skills and created a deeper understanding of the engineering side of geology, which I have learned in class. During my week I have got to comprehend what happens in a geotechnical engineer's job from the preliminary reports to the site and lab work. I have enjoyed it all as I want to get into something geology-based for a career and it helps me better understand the engineering geology topics in my A-Level.

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2008 – 6 Store Street & 2 to 8 Ridgmount Street, London WC1

April 11, 2023
by Juliet Fuller

We worked with Mason Navarro Pledge and client The Bedford Estates to redevelop a site in Bloomsbury at the corner of Ridgmount Street and Store Street.

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It was 2003 - Drapers' Gardens…

February 24, 2023
by Steve Branch

Our first complex London ground investigation, Drapers' Gardens was a great project for us in our first year of trading, and it was a pleasure to be working with Tony Taylor at Foggo Associates. Hugh St John at GCG was also involved and we worked alongside Museum of London Archaeology and GBG on parts of the investigation – an excellent team to be involved with.

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